SEC chce dostępu do danych z wiarygodnych pełnych węzłów Bitcoina i Ethereum

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Amerykańska Komisja Papierów Wartościowych i Giełd (SEC) chce mieć dostęp do wiarygodnych danych pochodzących z pełnych węzłów Bitcoina i Ethereum. Dodatkowo SEC potrzebuje także dane z węzłów Bitcoin Cash, Stellar, Zcash, EOS, NEO, oraz XRP.

Celem Komisji jest usprawnienie swojego działania w zakresie monitorowania ryzyka, poprawiania zgodności z obowiązującymi regulacjami i informowania o polityce Komisji w odniesieniu do zasobów cyfrowych.

The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 100 F Street, NE, Washington, DC 20549, intends to procure a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) enterprise-wide data subscription for blockchain ledger data to support its efforts to monitor risk, improve compliance, and inform Commission policy with respect to digital assets.


SEC wystosowała ofertę do podmiotów posiadających dostęp do danych z węzłów Bitcoina i Ethereum, które spełniają poniższe wymagania:

1. Blockchain Types and Compositiona.

a. At a minimum, the subscription shall include the Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchains.
b. In addition, the subscription shall include as many as possible of the following blockchains:
Bitcoin Cash, Stellar, Zcash, EOS, NEO, and XRP Ledger.
c. Subscription must support adding new blockchains, as these gain prominence in the
d. The subscription shall source all blockchain data from hosted nodes, rather than providing
this data as a secondary source (e.g., via blockchain explorers).
e. The subscription shall include all derivative currencies (tokens) for all provided blockchains.
f. The subscription shall include the full blockchain ledgers, since inception (genesis block) or
as available, to present, for all provided blockchains.

2. Required Data Fields

a. The subscription shall include all on-node data for each supplied blockchain, in its entirety.
b. At a minimum, the subscription shall include the following normalized fields for each
blockchain: Ticker symbol; addresses (sent/receiving); transaction hash; transaction
timestamp; transaction amounts; unspent balance (sent/receiving); transaction fees;
confirmations; block hash; and block height.
c. Nice to have: Provide cross-referenced data to support attribution intelligence on
blockchain transaction data.
d. Nice to have: Provide overview data for supplied blockchains, including metadata and chain
metrics. This data would include things such as hashing algorithms, hashing power, mining
difficulty and rewards, transactions quantity and size, coin supply and blockchain size.

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