Szczecin Blockchain Meetup #1 to okazja dla ekspertów i entuzjastów do spotkania i przedyskutowania pomysłów, projektów i technologii w domenie blockchain. To miejsce wymiany wiedzy, inspiracji i networkingu.
Będzie to okazja do wysłuchania prelegentów z różnych projektów blockchain z Polski i Niemiec.
Miejscem spotkania będzie Technopark Pomerania, budynek F2, sala Castanea (0.11) na ul. Cyfrowej 6.
Dla wszystkich uczestników wymagana jest darmowa rejestracja.
Strona internetowa wydarzenia: #1 Szczecin Blockchain Meetup
1. Shermin Voshmgir, Founder of BlockchainHub.net
Shermin is the director of the Research Institute for Crypto Economics at the Vienna University of Economics, and the founder of BlockchainHub – an international network of autonomous Hubs that promote the idea of blockchain, crypto economics and the decentralized web. She is also advisor of Jolocom, a blockchain based self sovereign identity protocol. In the past, she was a curator of the DAO and on the advisory board of the Estonian e-residency program. She regularly speaks at conferences and consults on Blockchains and the social impact of future technologies. Shermin did her PhD in IT-Management at the Vienna University of Economics, where she used to work as an assistant professor and currently lectures blockchain related topics. Furthermore she studied film and drama in Madrid. Her past work experience ranges from internet start-ups, IT consulting & filmmaking. Among others her films have screened in Cannes and at dOCUMENTA. Shermin is Austrian with Iranian roots, and has been living in Berlin for many years now.
2. Joachim Lohkamp, CEO & Founder of Jolocom.com
Joachim is an entrepreneur and tech enthusiast. He is obsessed with knowledge, change and innovation. Currently, he is Founder and CEO of Jolocom, a Berlin-based startup building decentralized tools that lets you generate your own digital identity to assist linkage and attribution of data. Besides that Joachim is Founding Board Member of the German Blockchain Association, advisor to the BlockchainHub, and connector for Ouishare. Also he supports the community with GETDcent, the Decentralized Web Summit and is a member of the Agora Collective in Berlin.
3. Jakub Zarembinski, CTO & Co-founder of Tokenika.io
Jakub Zarembiński has background in corporate finance and software development. He’s been accumulating knowledge about the blockchain technology since 2014. He started with Bitcoin but then quickly realized its shortcomings and shifted his focus to alternative solutions, especially the ones pioneered by Dan Larimer. Currently co-founder of Tokenika, an IT company focused on supplying block-producing infrastructure for EOS and building decentralized applications on top of it.
4. Tomasz Fidecki, CEO of aply.eu
Tomasz is a creative thinker who explores alternative solutions to problems and have always open mind and focus on customer experience. He truly believes that executing difficult tasks with paying attention to all the details in a timely manner always pays off. Tomasz is goal oriented entrepreneur striving to humanize technology and consistently fueling IT with a passion to innovate solutions. He started as an engineer working in telecoms, then was managing teams working for automotive industry and finally paved his own way in video streaming solutions. Currently he is focused on combining full stack development with blockchain technologies to create next gen solutions.
#1 Szczecin Blockchain Meetup